Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Topic 4: Which, if any, is more important in your opinion and why: Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) or Emotinal Intelligence (EI)

General intelligence is defined as "One’s overall capacity to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with one’s environment”. ( Wechsler 1958). However intelligence is then divided into cognitive intelligence which is also know as your IQ or emotional intelligence which is EI.

Anything cognitive is the use of your brain, cognitive intelligence is the ability to reason, plan things, problem solve, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas and to learn quickly from your experiences. (Cooke 2013). Emotional intelligence is the opposite, it is more of the way we socialise. Bar-On define emotional intelligence as “To effectively understand and express ourselves, to understand and relate well with others, and to successfully cope with daily demands, challenges and pressures”. (Bar-On 2006).

Although both kinds of intelligence are important I would rather have emotional/social intelligence because it is used in everyday life when we work and interact with people. Stys and Brown (2004) have found that having a higher level of Emotional Intelligence can be a predictor for life satisfaction, healthy psychological adaptation, positive interactions with peers and family and also higher parental warmth. it also tells us that having lower emotional intelligence can lead to violent behaviour, illegal use of drugs and alcohol and participating in delinquent behaviour.

There are three models of emotional intelligence known as The Mayer Salovey model, The Goleman Model and The Bar-on model. (The Encyclopaedia of Applied Psychology). The Bar-on model is the one we focused on in our lecture, it defines EI as "A cross-section of interrelated emotional and social competencies, skills and facilitators that impact intelligent behaviour." The model consists of five composite scales which are 1. Intrapersonal Skills (self-awareness and self-expression), 2. Interpersonal Skills (social awareness and interaction), 3. Adaptability (change management), 4. Stress Management (emotional management and control), 5. General Mood (self-motivation). (Cooke 2013) Here is a link that will allow you to further understand this method http://www.eiconsortium.org/reprints/bar-on_model_of_emotional-social_intelligence.htm

References: Bar-On, R. (2006) The Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence (ESI).Psicothema, 18,
supl., 13-25.
Cooke, D. (2013) Communicatons and the learning environment. [lecture notes] Emotional Intelligence. Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Lecture theatre 1, 26th Novembar 2013.
Stys, Y. & Brown, S. L. (2004) A Review of the Emotional Intelligence Literature and Implications
for Corrections, [online] Correctional Service of Canada.
Wechsler, D. (1958)The Measurement and Appraisal of Adult Intelligence4th ed. Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Topic 3: Explaining critical reading/thinking by using two specific examples.

Critical Reading/Thinking was a hard concept for me to get my head around however now that I think i understand it I will explain it to you. what i have learnt from Critical Reading and Thinking is that it is more like a style of learning instead of a theory. To be able to use it as a learning style you must have the ability to annaylise and question things instead of taking them as they are, in addition you must be able to understand something and then put it In your words which will help you understand it more and make learning it alot easier. Using it as a learning style will help you have a much better understanding of the info and a much deeper one. (Cooke 2013)

Critical thinking is used in nearly everyday life were we have to make big decisions such as deciding to go to college, buying a car, where your going to live, if your going to get a job and so on. Two specific examples that relate to me would be 1) deciding to repeat my leaving certificate and 2) deciding on going for a night out.

my first example of critical thinking was a very serious one and had to be thought over and discussed with many people. After speaking with someone who also repeated I had to take on board all the information I had received and considerate in my own head of why it was a good idea for me. After fully analysing my options I evaluated that repeating would be the best option for me.

My second example is not a very serious example of critical thinking but it is strongly used here. Deciding on going for a night out needs to be discussed thoroughly of when, who with, where and why and then analysed like how to get there and back, and what if. After these question we can then decide if it can be considered.

COOKE, D. (2013) Communication and the learning environment. [ lecture notes] Model to generate critical thinking. Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Lecture Theatre 1, 5th November 2013.
San Antonio, TX (PRWEB) December 29, 2006 [Available:] http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/12/prweb494245.htm [Accessed:] 2nd December 2013